Maximum size : 2 cm

Ember Tetra - Hyphessobrycon amandae Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) is a dazzling fish that adds a touch of radiance to any aquarium. These little gems are full of life, vigour, and entertainment, making them an ideal choice for any aquarist, whether new or experienced. The Ember Tetra's peaceful nature makes it an excellent resident in any community aquarium, and its small size makes it suitable for nano tanks.

Ember Tetras are inherently social creatures and thrive when kept in groups of no less than six individuals. Their natural inclination towards shoaling behaviour underscores the importance of companionship among their kind for a sense of security. Ember Tetras, known for their tranquil disposition, make excellent additions to community aquariums. Optimal tankmates include other small, non-confrontational species such as various Tetras, Rasboras, and Dwarf Corydoras; they will also happily cohabitate with Shrimps and Snails. It is advisable to refrain from housing them with larger or more assertive species, which may induce stress or hinder their access to sustenance through intimidation or competition.

To establish an ideal environment for Ember Tetras, consider housing them in densely planted aquariums featuring dark substrates, floating vegetation, driftwood arrangements, and leaf litter. Employing gentle air-powered sponge filters ensures effective filtration, while moderate water movement can be beneficial.

Ember Tetras have an elongated body shape accompanied by a merged anal fin, a small dorsal fin, and a large caudal fin. There is a slight greyish-black angle to both the caudal and dorsal fins, with reddish pigmentation around the mouth and above the eyes on the upper part of the head. The scales on these fish are compact and close together, resulting in a somewhat translucent appearance. Ember Tetras exhibit a golden maple to a fiery red colour, sometimes with a saturated orange inclination and orange rims around their eyes.

Ember Tetra Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

Determining the sex of Ember Tetras can be challenging for those without much experience. Male Ember Tetras exhibit a more vivid and vibrant colouration than the females, while females tend to be slightly larger and have a rounder body shape compared to males.

Featured Male
Featured Female
Male Female

Quick Facts

Scientific Name Hyphessobrycon amandae
Year Described 1987
Other Names Fire Tetra
Kingdom Animalia
Classification Actinopterygii
Order Characiformes
Family Characidae
Genus Hyphessobrycon
Origins Brazil
Max Size 2 cm
Temperament Peaceful
Aquarium Level Bottom - Middle
Difficulty Beginner - Intermediate
Shoaling Yes
Best kept as Groups 6+
Diet & Feeding Omnivore
Reproduction Egg-Scatterer
Average Lifespan Up to 3 Years

Water Parameters

Water Type Freshwater
pH 5.0 - 7.0
GH 5 - 17
TDS 18 - 179
Ideal Temperature
73 - 84
22 - 28

Natural Habitat

Ember Tetras originate from the dynamic Araguaia River Basin in South America, primarily inhabiting Central-Western Brazil. These captivating fish thrive in rivers, lakes, and streams characterized by slow-moving currents. Enriched with branches, fallen logs, and abundant leaf litter, their habitat fosters slightly acidic water conditions infused with tannins, resulting in a dark, nearly black appearance aptly termed "blackwater."

This unique aquatic environment offers natural camouflage for Ember Tetras, seamlessly blending them into their surroundings. Amidst lush vegetation and trees, they find ample shade and shelter, mirroring their native habitat. While recreating such an environment in a home aquarium demands effort, the vibrant colours and engaging behaviours of Ember Tetras make it a rewarding endeavour, enriching any aquatic community.

 Araguaia River - Brazil
Brazil Flag


Breeding Ember Tetras is a relatively straightforward process that occurs naturally without much intervention. To begin, prepare a separate tank with females and males, dim lighting, and maintain a pH of around seven, with the temperature a few degrees higher than their usual range. It is also important to provide some plants or mesh at the bottom of the tank for the female to lay her eggs on.

Conditioning the fish with live foods for a few weeks before spawning can also help to encourage the process. After spawning, both parents will leave the fry to fend for themselves. To ensure the safety of the babies, it is recommended to move them to a fry tank where you can help them grow and prevent them from being eaten before introducing them to the main tank. The juvenile fish will be free-swimming after about three days and will start to search for their food.

Diet & Feeding

Ensuring the vitality and colouration of Ember Tetras requires a well-balanced diet. While they readily accept tropical flakes or granules as a staple food, supplementing their diet with occasional treats is beneficial. Incorporating frozen, freeze-dried, or live foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, mosquito larvae, or bloodworms enriches their nutritional intake and enhances their colours. Providing such a diverse diet fosters the health and flourishing of Ember Tetras in their aquarium habitat.

Other Tetras

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