Jack Freak

The freaks who walk these mean streets and spooky parks are Gilbert & George.

For 42 years, Gilbert & George have been reflections of each other, identical twins alike in being different: not from each other but from the rest of the world, which is a dark and violent place filled with ambiguous pageantry.

The Jack Freak Pictures shows their ominous kaleidoscopic world, a chaotic pulse of medals, flags and street names. The freaks who walk these mean streets and spooky parks are Gilbert & George. Dressed up as a Union-Jacked dynamic duo and portraying themselves as dancing vaudevillians, robotic avatars, and mutating entities. Simultaneously being victim and monster, they seem to enjoy the disaster, sticking out impish tongues and blowing raspberries. The Jack Freak Pictures feel unpleasantly two-faced, on several levels and to be honest… a little frightening.

Gilbert and George