Nothing makes a statement quite like the timeless beauty of an Amaryllis in bloom. While the Holidays bring some lovely bulbs and flowering indoor plants like Paperwhites and Poinsettias, Amaryllis hold an elegance unmatched by any other seasonal plant.

To time the expressive blossoms of Amaryllis with Christmas or New Years, plant them at the beginning of November, as they typically take around eight weeks from planting to flower.

Our Favorite Amaryllis Varieties

For the traditionalist: A large-flowered, evenly red variety, like Amaryllis Galaxy ‘Red Lion’, is a must-have for the traditional household. Along with classic red, consider adding the delicate Galaxy ‘Apple Blossom’ for an updated, softer pairing next to cedar garlands and red velvet ribbons.

For the modernist: If you prefer your holiday décor clean, crisp, and white, Amaryllis Diamond ‘Picotee’ is an unbeatable variety. Its massive, white petals are perfectly rimmed in the thinnest outline of red, adding just a hint of color to a monochromatic scheme.

For the collector: For unique selections that look just as intentional flowering in February or March as they do in December, consider planting a green or peach-toned Amaryllis. Our staff can’t get enough of the unusual peachy, terra-cotta tones of Amaryllis Galaxy ‘Rilona’. Take it a step further and embrace a more botanical look by choosing an unusual variety like Amaryllis Spider ‘La Paz’.

amaryllis bulbs
blooming amaryllis bulb variety 'Red Pearl'
blooming white amaryllis bulb variety

Amaryllis Bulb Planting Tips

Pair Your Pot Wisely

  • Embrace monochromatic schemes—select a pot that provides subtle contrast to the flower color.
  • Go for drama—high gloss or mirrored finishes add a decidedly festive touch.
  • Plant in a pot just 2″ larger in diameter than the bulb.
  • Good drainage and limited soil volume are a must.
  • Leave the top third of the bulb exposed.

Try Something New

  • Plant in a bulb forcing vase—the clean glass will show off the entire structure of the plant, roots included, for a look that is modern and scientific.
  • Stagger planting of a few varieties to extend the display through the dark days of winter.


amaryllis bulb in forcing vase showing roots

Be Smart About Temperature

  • Warmer environments will force blooms quickly.
  • Cooler rooms will slow down the bloom process.

Support Is Key

  • Pebbles surrounding the bulb can keep it from tipping as flower expands.
  • Stake flower stalks with natural branches from twig dogwoods or curly willow.
  • If the stalk bends behind repair, simply cut it and place it on its own in a vase or add it to a seasonal arrangement.

Amaryllis are not to be missed. Their large, long-lasting blooms herald winter and bring sophistication to any indoor winter tablescape.

Note: What’s in a name? Amaryllis technically belong to the Hippeastrum genus and true aficionados might call them as such.

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