The Pyramids Might be A Lot Older Than we Think

3 min readJul 21, 2023

The ancient Egyptian pyramids are one of the most enduring architectural marvels in human history. These colossal structures have fascinated scholars, archaeologists, and enthusiasts for centuries, leaving us in awe of the engineering prowess and cultural significance they represent. However, despite extensive research, the exact age of the pyramids remains a topic of debate. Recent discoveries and alternative theories suggest that these extraordinary monuments might be older than previously believed. In this article, we will delve into the evidence that fuels this controversial hypothesis.

The Traditional Timeline

According to conventional Egyptology, the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza, attributed to Pharaoh Khufu, began around 2580 BCE and took approximately 20 years to complete. The other two pyramids on the Giza Plateau, built for Pharaohs Khafre and Menkaure, followed in succession. This timeline is largely based on inscriptions, artifacts, and historical records found in and around the pyramids.

The Sphinx and Water Erosion

One intriguing piece of evidence challenging the established timeline is the erosion patterns found on the Sphinx. While the mainstream view attributes the Sphinx to Pharaoh Khafre’s era, some geologists and researchers argue that the erosional features on the monument are indicative of water erosion, possibly caused by heavy rainfall.

The Sahara Desert, where the pyramids are located, experienced significantly wetter periods in ancient times, and some argue that this level of rainfall could have caused the observed water-related wear on the Sphinx. If this hypothesis holds true, it would suggest the Sphinx and, by extension, the pyramids are much older than previously assumed.

Astronomical Alignments

Another aspect that raises questions about the pyramids’ age is their precise astronomical alignments. The Great Pyramid, for instance, exhibits a remarkable alignment with specific celestial bodies, including Orion’s Belt. The degree of accuracy required to achieve these alignments with the limited technology available in ancient Egypt is staggering.

Alternative theories propose that the ancient Egyptians possessed advanced knowledge of astronomy and mathematics, far beyond what traditional views assume. Such a level of sophistication would challenge the accepted chronology and push the construction of the pyramids back into an even more ancient past.

Carbon Dating Anomalies

Carbon dating is a widely used technique to determine the age of organic materials. However, when applied to the pyramids, certain anomalies have been observed. In some cases, the results yielded dates significantly older than the established timeline. Skeptics argue that these discrepancies might be due to contamination or other factors, but proponents of an older pyramid age contend that it might indicate the presence of materials reused from earlier constructions.

Lost Civilizations and Forgotten Histories

Some researchers suggest that the origins of the pyramids could be linked to an advanced civilization that predates ancient Egypt. The notion of lost civilizations and knowledge passed down through the ages is not new, and many cultures around the world possess legends of great civilizations that existed in the distant past.

While these theories can be highly speculative, they remind us that our understanding of history is always evolving, and we must remain open to new evidence and interpretations.


The age of the pyramids remains an enigma, with intriguing evidence hinting at the possibility that they are older than traditionally believed. The water erosion on the Sphinx, the precision of astronomical alignments, carbon dating anomalies, and the notion of lost civilizations all contribute to the ongoing debate surrounding these ancient marvels.

Regardless of the age, the pyramids will continue to captivate our imagination, serving as a testament to the ingenuity and cultural legacy of the ancient Egyptians. As technology advances and new archaeological discoveries come to light, we may eventually unravel the true mystery behind the construction and age of these timeless monuments. Until then, the pyramids will continue to stand tall, guarding their secrets, inviting us to wonder about the distant past and the ancient civilizations that once ruled the sands of time.

