Wildflowers: Bermuda Buttercup

As I enjoy taking photographs of nature I decided to create a MEME called #WildWednesday. Every Wednesday I will be sharing a photograph of wild flora or fauna in my local area. Who will join me?

How it works: Simply post a photograph to your blog with some relevant blurb if possible. Include the words ‘Wild Wednesday’ in the post title and use the hashtag #wildwednesday and leave a link to your blog post below. If you want to to link back to my post and share the love and learn together, that would be great, thank you.

Oxalis pes-caprae – Bermuda Buttercup flowers in January/February and brings swathes of vibrant yellow to brighten winter days. The bees love it! Unfortunately, it is listed as an invasive plant so if it arrives in your garden, take care.

Oxalis pes-caprae - Bermuda Buttercup. Flowers January. Western Algarve
Oxalis pes-caprae – Bermuda Buttercup. Flowers January. Western Algarve
Oxalis pes-caprae - Bermuda Buttercup. Flowers January. Western Algarve
Oxalis pes-caprae – Bermuda Buttercup. Flowers January. Western Algarve



25 thoughts on “Wildflowers: Bermuda Buttercup

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        1. I have a few large Century Cacti. They were in the top part of the property but I had to move them as they got really big and the thorns along their ”leaves” prick like the blazes. Also, if you cut the leaves and get much of the sap on exposed skin it will ‘burn’ and cause a rash. Not nice at all. But they are lovely to look at and fascinating.


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