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Simply Fish

Black Phantom Tetra (Megalamphodus megalopterus)

Black Phantom Tetra (Megalamphodus megalopterus)

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Step into the mysterious elegance of the Black Phantom Tetra, a captivating freshwater fish known for its dark allure and distinctive appearance. Here's an introduction to this species:

Key Features:
- Deep Black Coloration: The Black Phantom Tetra boasts a deep, almost velvety black coloration, creating a striking contrast with its silvery-white fins. The males often have elongated dorsal and anal fins.
- Subtle Iridescent Glow: In optimal conditions, these tetras may exhibit subtle iridescence, adding a touch of sophistication to their dark color.

Tank Essentials:
- Schooling Nature: Black Phantom Tetras thrive in schools, and keeping them in groups of six or more helps reduce stress and encourages natural schooling behaviors.
- Aquascape Design: Create a well-planted aquarium with hiding spots using driftwood and live plants. A dark substrate enhances the dark coloration of these tetras.

Water Parameters:
- Temperature: Maintain a stable tropical temperature between 22-26°C.
- Neutral to Slightly Acidic pH: Aim for a pH range between 6.0 and 7.0 to replicate their native South American habitat.

Feeding Routine:
Black Phantom Tetras are omnivores. Provide a balanced diet with high-quality flakes, pellets, and supplement with live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.

These tetras are generally peaceful and can coexist with other small, non-aggressive species. Avoid pairing them with fin-nipping or aggressive tankmates.

*Note: Actual appearance may vary due to natural variations and lighting conditions. Images are for illustrative purposes.*
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