

nostalgiacore childhood nostalgia online games 2000s web

  1. dr3am-t0wn reblogged this from vhsdreams2004
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  3. moved2downvote said: this brought back so many good memories i hate to get emotional but ive lost so much to trauma in my childhood n ive forgotten how good it was ;;
  4. reel-fear reblogged this from peaceandlove26
  5. 2003spork reblogged this from vhsdreams2004
  6. i-regret-rejoining said: uses to play shidonni so much as a kid and my mom would make me draw my vocab words so that i would study them 😭❤
  7. calhoun17 reblogged this from peaceandlove26
  8. peaceandlove26 reblogged this from vhsdreams2004
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