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Minimalist Design for Cafe

Brief from client 

The client wants a logo that is minimalist and simple to use as a cafe logo. Where the cafe is called "GRASSROOTS". In the logo there must be a number 4 which describes the number of family members. and He really likes odd numbers. he also wanted a tagline in the logo. This cafe is suitable for enjoying free time with friends or family because it has a large space both outdoor and indoor

The leaf symbol represents the number 4. The number of roots is also odd. and the shape that resembles an oval is very closely related to the use of the logo on cafe. The writing of the tagline which is curved is meant to be easy to read and enjoy by everyone from young to old. because the pleasure is something that is non-physical, it is hoped that the pleasure will continue to take root in the minds of customers and make it grow together with these beautiful and unforgettable memories. Therefore, I use roots and leaves in the description.


cooperads's picture
195 pencils

The image overpowers the name. The little sip good feel good would be lost. I do like the colors and I like the clean font. I question the spacing on CAFE beyond the word roots and under the R of roots. The alignment just seems a bit off to me. What else did you sketch out in this process?

Kholifah Falupi's picture

first of all thanks for giving your opinion, it really helps a lot. related to the word cafe and the letter r, it just happened without any special meaning, thanks to your words I now know something to consider again. and related to what I put in this sketch, I think that's enough. because I just feel if the picture is good then it's enough. do you have any other suggestions?

cooperads's picture
195 pencils

Why would I offer any suggestions? You have stated you like this and it is good enough.

LogoReview's picture

I see potential with this idea but some work with the typography is needed.

Your kerning is off in 'GRASSROOTS'. I personally use variations in kerning also (like you have done with 'GRASSROOTS' vs. 'CAFE'), but usually there is a need to do so, for balance for example. I don't see that need in your design.

Is there something special about 'GRASS' as it relates to the business? If not, you may want to not highlight it. 'Grassroots' is normally one word, so artificially splitting it with color would really only work if there was an intention to put focus on it - for example, does the café serve wheatgrass?

You are also going to most likely run into scaling issues with the tagline being so small.

in summary:

I would recommend fixing the kerning between letters, and taking another look at your typography.

I would recommend using color more strategically, making sure to add focus to what is most important.

I would recommend looking at your work at small sizes, and make adjustments accordingly in an effort to make the design more legible at smaller scales.

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