Leaving a Better Generation for a Better World

Leaving a Better Generation for a Better World
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Leaving behind in this world, consciously evolved children, an entire generation of children brought up in a better way, is perhaps the next most important thing to a better world. In this big madness to make this world a better place for future generations to come, we at times forget that we need better humans to live in this better world.

There is so much talk about climate change, pollution, gender equality, and human rights, so that our children have a better world with peace, joy and hope. But in the midst of all this good talk about a good world, we also need to leave behind a generation which is of the heart, soulful and in touch with the deepest levels of consciousness.


As my almost 10 year old son is growing up to be a fine young man, I feel it be important to leave with him a better humanity, filled happiness and serenity. I find a need to bring him up as a man with a fine strength of character, empathy and humaneness. Even Harvard and Yale are tweaking their admission process from over-achieving in grades to kindness, as reported by Washington post recently.

So what can we do now to slightly tweak our own parenting process to make it more conscious?

1. Learn to Meditate and Teach to meditate:

Learn how to meditate. Teach your kids how to relax. Relax your mind; give some food for your soul. I have been doing Heartfulness Meditation and I have felt immense serenity and balance within me to handle this world. It has given me joy and peace too. It has taken child upbringing to an entirely higher newer level of consciousness. Heartfulness Relaxation Technique can be practiced by everyone, even a child. {Video Below}

2. Gratitude and Joy:

Give thanks to the food you eat. With so much talk going around in the world about poverty, organic foods and healthy eating, let us start with being thankful for the food we eat today. Let us say Thanks to "Nature" that we have this on our table today. And may our children see us doing that. May they learn gratitude, and may that lead them to joy!

3. Thought and Wisdom:

Think! Let your kids see you thinking and break conventional thought patterns to create new practises, develop better attitudes and may your thought-lifestyle suit your needs. Customize your life in a thoughtful way. Be different, in various subtle ways. You do not have to be that hippie, or that 'chase your dreams' kind of person if it does not suit you. You do not have to be unusual in perceptive ways. You can be different by leading a simple life, with high thinking. That is wisdom. And may children imbibe your wisdom in the littlest wise things that you do.

4. Freedom and Creativity:

Freedom and Creativity are so closely associated with each other. Freedom of thought leads to creativity. Ad true freedom is the freedom to the right thing. With so much conversation and social media awash with opinions and expression of free-will, it is also important to be empathetic and creative in the heart, to the other person's feelings and needs. To express one's heart in a loving and gentle way and to have that freedom of expression, tinged with love, concern and well-being for the brethren of humanity is important. True creativity is born that way. True creativity, which leaves an ever-lasting mark, is born out of love, and the freedom to express true love.

5.Be a Conscious and Spiritual Parent:

This is the ability in a parent to bring out the child's willingness to listen to his heart, and develop the courage in his heart to follow it's guidance. Conscious Parenting means to develop the confidence in the child that no matter what happens, their heart would always guide them rightly. A parent is truly successful when the child grows up to be an adult who is fully content and satisfied with the way he has led his life and would reach his Goal.

"It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings."
― Ann Landers

The author is a practitioner and trainer of Heartfulness Meditation.

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