Discord Bot: What is It and How to Create One on Discord

Have you ever wondered how to make your own Discord bot? Read on to learn about the history of Discord bots, how they are created, and how to make your own:

A History of Discord Bots

Over the years, Discord has become one of the most popular messaging platforms. Users can create different servers based on different interests they have and they can invite people. Discord Bots are used by users in order to perform a variety of actions. For example, a bot named Mee6 is used to track how active users are and there are several tools for server moderators to use. Not only can you use bots for moderation, but you can also use them for entertainment. One of the most popular bots at the moment, Dank Memer, allows users to simulate an economy. It also has image generation, memes, and mini-games.

Creating Your Own Discord Bot

Luckily, regular people are able to create Discord Bots using programming languages such as Python and JavaScript. Both of these languages have a library that allows users to interact with the Discord API in order to create and manage bots. There is an immense amount of videos online in order to guide you through the coding process. You can also use the library documentation in order to create the code for it. In order to do this in the first place, you need to enable Developer Mode on your Discord account. This gives you access to the Discord Developer portal which serves as a management point for your Discord bots and applications.

Start with an Idea

It is probably a good idea to have a central idea for your bot. For example, I created my bot, SpiderBot, with the central idea of simulating an economy. From this goal, I expanded on it by creating an in-game shop and promoting interactions between users. In order to prevent users from losing interest, cooldowns for commands can be added to make players want to come back and increase their longevity. Websites such as top.gg allows users to advertise their bots. These websites have a voting aspect where the more votes a bot has, the more users the bot will reach. Adding incentives for users that vote will allow the bot to grow to a bigger community while also rewarding its most loyal users.

Get User Input

A Discord bot will never be successful without getting input from its users. This is where support servers come in. Support servers are created by the bot’s creator in order to serve as a central point for a bot’s operations. The bot’s users will join support servers to receive help when the bot is not working and for special events. It is also helpful to have a suggestions channel in your support server in order for users to recommend new features to add to the bot. This will help make the bots more useful for the target audience and increase their approval for it.

Overall, creating a Discord bot requires a lot of preparation. In the end, it will pay off and you will learn a lot more about how to code these bots. It is fun to work together with your friends which allows you to add more to the bot and have better management for it. One day, your bot might be one of the most popular bots and people all over the world will be using it every day.


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