A Tricky Seek and Find Puzzle: Can You Spot the Hidden Waldo in 11 Seconds?

Seek and Find: Calling all Waldo warriors! A new, fiendishly difficult seek-and-find challenge awaits. Can you spot the elusive striped wanderer in under 11 seconds? Only the sharpest sleuths will succeed!

Nikhil Batra
Jan 15, 2024, 09:47 IST
Where is Waldo Hiding
Where is Waldo Hiding


Seek and Find Puzzles are a type of visual trickery that can play with our perception. They can be fun and challenging, and they can also be used to test our visual acuity.

One popular seek and find puzzle is the "hidden Waldo" puzzle. In this puzzle, you are presented with a picture of a circus. In the chaotic scene, Waldo is hiding very discreetly. 

Waldo is camouflaged so well that it can be difficult to find.

It might seem easy at first but here is the twist- you need to find him within 11 seconds. 

If you wish to test your observation skills and emerge as a true puzzle master, then this is your chance. 

So, can you find the Waldo within 11 seconds? 

Start your timer and begin the hunt. All the best!

Try: Seek and find Puzzle to Determine How Smart You Are: Can You Spot the Hidden Turtle Among the Leaves in 17 Seconds?

Seek and Find Puzzle: Spot the Hidden Waldo in 11 Seconds

Source: Pinterest 

Did you find the hidden Waldo? 

Come on, use your amazing observation skills, he is right in front of you. 

Take some time and study the image carefully. 

Still didn’t find him? here are some hints: 

Zoom in on the image and look at it from different angles.

Try to stay calm and analyse the image thoroughly

Hurry up; the time is about to be over!

3… 2… and 1!

Did you find the hidden Waldo?

Congratulations! If you found him, you have a sharp eye for detail. 

If you didn't find Waldo, don't give up. Keep looking, and you may be able to find it. Just scroll back to the top of the image and try to find him without any timer. 

Here is the solution for this amazing seek and find puzzle.

Find the Hidden Waldo- Solution

The solution is highlighted in the image below. 

Source: Pinterest

Wasn’t this seek and find puzzle quite easy? Try your hands on other puzzles and you are sure to become a puzzle master. 

Must Try: Seek and Find Puzzle to Test Your Detective Skills: Can You Find the Hidden Cat in this Picture Within 23 Seconds?

Seek and Find Puzzle to Challenge Your Observation Skills: Can You Spot the Hidden Chicken Within 9 Seconds

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