Trapdoor spider

Trapdoor spider

Name: Antrodiaetus montanus

Alias: Trapdoor Spider. You may see this large spider during the fall months or after a rainstorm. Under normal circumstances they are actually quite shy. They dig burrows underground and create a cute little trapdoor to keep their little home clean and to deter would-be marauders. They stay indoors all day, only coming out at night to hunt for prey. For this reason they are rarely ever seen, although they are quite common. Males abandon their burrow in the fall in search of mates. Their color can vary from red to brown. Their eyes usually come to a point on the top of their abdomen. They have large palps in front of their mouth that look like extra legs.

For more information on dangerous and beneficial bugs, call UI Extension educator Joseph Sagers at 208-270-4031 or email

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