Verint Specialized Bots

Put AI-Powered bots to work for you to achieve CX Automation

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A Bot For Every Workflow

Verint Platform is powered by specialized bots that help drive CX automation to make your customer engagements smarter and faster. Each bot performs one specific task, and is injected directly into your workflows, putting AI at your fingertips.

These bots are powered by Verint Da Vinci AI. Verint future-proofs your AI investment with an open approach that can keep pace with the rapid innovation in the industry. Our AI-powered bots are continually trained on your unique engagement data to drive the best results for your business.

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Specialized Bots for your Agents

TimeFlex Bot

The Verint TimeFlex Bot employs complex algorithms, CX data and an innovative game mechanic to enable permissionless, agent-initiated schedule changes at scale. It helps agents juggle work and life when life happens.

  • Agents no longer have to submit a change request for in-the-moment changes to their schedules.
  • Managers don’t have to spend hours reviewing, analyzing, and granting or denying shift change requests, reducing administrative costs.
  • Agents feel empowered to manage their own schedules, improving agent experience.

With the TimeFlex Bot, agents can autonomously adjust their WFM schedules in real time, giving them unprecedented flexibility, which typically reduces attrition by upwards of 30% and absenteeism by 10+%.

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Interaction Transfer Bot

Intelligent Virtual Assistants can handle a wide variety of customer queries but there are still times when they need to hand the conversation over to a human agent. When that happens, the Interaction Transfer Bot helps the agent get up to speed with an automated summary of the self-service interaction. This helps to dramatically reduce average handle time and improve CSAT scores.

Interaction Wrap-Up Bot

Interaction Wrap-Up Bot uses generative AI to automatically craft a call summary at the conclusion of an interaction, eliminating after-call work. By removing the time agents spend manually summarizing a call, organizations can save millions on their bottom line. Plus, summaries are more accurate and consistent across your contact center.

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Call Risk Scoring Bot

Using specialized AI algorithms, the bot analyzes over 60 data points from telecom metadata and caller behavioral analytics and assigns a risk score to every call made into the contact center. With the help of the bot, Call Risk Scoring can not only detect and prevent fraudulent activities in your call center, but ultimately help lower average handle time for legitimate callers and add an additional layer of customer data protection.

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Knowledge Suggestion Bot

The Knowledge Suggestion Bot helps agents during customer interactions by providing them with relevant knowledge in real-time. It’s designed to provide instant access to information directly in the agent’s workflow. Agents can easily find the most relevant information so they can quickly provide customers with accurate responses to their questions. As a result, agents are able to resolve issues faster, with shorter handle times and improved first contact resolution.

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Specialized Bots for your Supervisors and Analysts

Data Insights Bot

The Data Insights Bot can help you translate business intelligence into actionable insights, enabling you to realize a quick return on investment. Beyond just requested reports, the bot proactively offers useful information you should also keep an eye on. This is made possible by best-of-breed AI algorithms surfacing anomalies, trends, and correlations within your multi-source engagement data. Using generative AI, the solution produces easy-to-understand audio-visual explanation of your graphs, charts, and dashboards.

Scoring Bot

Verint Automated Quality Management is enhanced with an AI-powered Scoring Bot that automatically and continuously evaluates all interactions against your scoring rules. Gain performance insights without manual effort, allow more effective performance management and coaching, and achieve better compliance. Increase first call resolution (FCR) and customer satisfaction (CSAT) with a lower average handle time (AHT).

Workload Forecasting Bot

The Workload Forecasting Bot and Extended Workload Forecasting Bot deliver the most accurate forecasts for projected interaction volumes across channels. By leveraging these bots, organizations see higher CSAT, lower staffing costs, and increased employee retention​ without requiring WFM teams to be AI experts.

Knowledge Creation Bot

Leverage the power of AI to detect opportunities for new knowledge articles and use generative technology to create content with the touch of a button.

The AI-Powered Knowledge Creation Bot enables your employees and Intelligent Virtual Assistants to benefit from a more complete, accurate, and useful knowledge base – helping reduce average handle time, increase first contact resolution, and improve CSAT scores.

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PII Redaction Bot

The PII Redaction Bot provides a new way to protect customer’s Personal Identifiable Information. Using Verint Da Vinci AI, the bot can automatically find instances of PII, like social security numbers, credit card numbers, and more. It then hides this information in both the transcript and the audio playback for unauthorized users — adding a new layer of security to existing data protection strategies.

Interviewing Bot

The Verint Interviewing Bot automates the analysis of candidate assessments using AI, proprietary audio models, and predictive analytics to conduct assessments in minutes vs. hours. The bot identifies high-performers, reducing attrition and hiring costs, all while increasing performance outcomes.

The Interviewing Bot dramatically saves recruiter time and speeds the decision-making process. It is also available 24/7, making it easier to engage with candidates from across the globe at a time that is convenient for them, helping ensure you don’t miss out on the best possible candidates for your open positions.

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Specialized Bots for your Consumers

Voice and Digital Containment Bots

The Verint Voice and Digital Containment Bots help reduce inbound volume while improving CSAT using AI to efficiently automate conversations with customers across digital and voice channels. With these bots, brands can provide personalized self-service experiences so they can resolve customer queries and identify which interactions should be escalated to a live agent.

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