Photoshop CS3 Universal Binary Beta Out Tomorrow

You know, I didn’t really believe that Adobe was ever going to make its Creative Suite applications into Universal Binaries. The fiasco that was the original Rhapsody development cycle showed how reticent developers are to abandon tools that have worked well enough for years to keep up with a new technology. Microsoft and Adobe just […]
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Aphotoshopcs 2 Osx

You know, I didn't really believe that Adobe was ever going to make its Creative Suite applications into Universal Binaries. The fiasco that was the original Rhapsody development cycle showed how reticent developers are to abandon tools that have worked well enough for years to keep up with a new technology. Microsoft and Adobe just flat-out refused to port Office and CS to the OPENSTEP frameworks. Carbon resulted.

Now, more than eight years later, Apple has finally gotten one of the big two to leave the legacy of CodeWarrior behind. Tomorrow, Adobe will finally release a beta of a version of Photoshop native to Mac OS X for Intel. You can get it from Adobe Labs, provided you have the serial number from PhotoShop CS2 or equivalent.

The staff at Wired News has the full story. I'm ready to call for a moment of silence. Apple finally got Adobe to do something it didn't want to. This is a red-letter day.

Image via Wikipedia**.