4 reasons why Magimix is a smart choice when buying a food processor

Sometimes it feels like there’s a gadget for every conceivable kitchen task, and while that may be true (and sometimes even really useful), what if there was one machine that could make prepping and cooking a meal so much quicker? Well, there is. The food processor is designed to take on a whole host of repetitive tasks to free you up for the fun stuff  cooking. But there’s also a huge range of food processors out there (along with some fairly large price differences). How do you choose which one to invest in? What should you look for when choosing a food processor and why Magimix?


We’ve spoken before about the differences between a food processor and a blender, so if you’re wondering whether your blender can manage these laborious kitchen tasks, the short answer is ‘no’.

We’ve also looked at 10 ways to get the most out of your Magimix, so it should be no surprise to you that we’re long time fans of the French workhorse. If you’re still on the fence, or wondering why anyone would invest in such a pricey piece of kitchen equipment, here’s why.

1. Stability and strength

When you’re in the market for a food processor, you want a real workhorse. Think strong, stable, made from good materials and with a long, long lifespan.

Weight: look for something hefty and solid that can handle everyday use.
Stability: machines with broader bases and rubber suction feet stay still when at work, so you don’t have to stand by holding on for dear life.
Warranty: Invest in machines that come with a long warranty  it indicates quality and you’re guaranteed a good, long life.

All Magimix food processors come in strong on all of these points with a 5 year warranty.


2. Versatility

When you’re thinking about things you don’t really want to do by hand, especially en masse, it makes sense to look for a processor with greater versatility.

  • A variety of bowl sizes, blades and attachments: the more your processor comes with, the more likely you are to use it every day. Just think of all that time you’ll save. Slicing onions, kneading dough, making breadcrumbs and so, so much more…
  • Size of the feed tube: a larger feed tube means one less step to processing the food, as you don’t have to chop things up just to fit inside. Bonus.

The Magimix food processors perform a multitude of kitchen tasks, from dough kneading to chopping and whipping and the wide spout and three easy functions allow you to move through the tasks with ease.

3. Size

Food processors are designed to stand out on the counter. They are often quite heavy, and if you store them in a cupboard (especially an overhead one), you’re much more likely to forget about it, not want to take it out, or do damage to the shelving. That said, while you’re shopping for one, make sure the space it takes up on your counter is not going to waste.

Magimix processors come in a variety of size capacities, but the basic footprint is one of the most compact around.


4. Intelligent operation

Look at the unique functionalities of the machines that appeal to you and decide whether what they offer will really make life simpler for you, or provide choice that you do not necessarily need.

Instead of you being in control of the speed, Magimix has an auto speed setting built in. This means that, rather than turning it on high and splashing the contents all over the kitchen, your processor will start slow, and speed up according to the density of the contents. The only options you have to choose are either on, off or pulse (for a coarser chop).

For us, Magimix ticks all these boxes and is deserving of a spot on your counter. We hope this food processor buying guide helps you narrow down which ones are the leaders of the pack and will be a worthy buy for you.